Apprentice / Technician of the Year Award
This award will be presented to the highest achieving lifting apprentice/technician. Employers and educational establishments nominate candidates. The Lifting Awards Committee will verify nominations, and an appointed panel will interview shortlisted nominees.
Excellence in Engineering
This award will be presented to a lifting team that has overcome unusual lifting challenges using customised engineering solutions, demonstrating their ability to successfully and efficiently support complex lifts. This award will also acknowledge a commitment to safety and environmental regulations and an optimised fleet.
Excellence in People Development
This award recognises the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of employee training and development programs.
Environment Award
This award recognises individuals, organisations, or projects that significantly contribute to environmental protection, sustainability, and conservation. The judges will look for evidence of initiatives launched in the past 12 months or within the organisation's day-to-day operations and its long-term strategy.
Industry Leader Award
This award will go to an industry leader who continuously displays leadership qualities, initiative and commitment to the organisation's mission. It will recognise the winner for being a positive role model and inspiring team engagement and contribution.
Innovation in Service Award
This award honours creativity and originality in developing new servicing approaches, methods or solutions. Companies entering this category must display effectiveness in addressing challenges, improving efficiency, reducing costs and/or enhancing customer satisfaction.
Innovation Award (Manufacturer Product Innovation of the Year)
This award recognises companies for new products, services or initiatives that have creatively contributed to the design and use of lifting equipment. The judges will look for companies that have developed innovative equipment or technology designed to improve lifts.
Project of the Year
This award honours a company that has successfully coordinated a complex lift. Judges will consider the unique techniques and innovative approaches used and advanced equipment/technology, detailed planning, safety considerations, and realised efficiencies for the client.
Rising Star Award
This award recognises notable achievements early in a career or involvement, celebrating initiative, proactiveness and enthusiasm in taking on challenges.
Safety and Training Award
This award will be presented to a company for a new product, service, or initiative that has significantly contributed to the safety and training of lifting equipment and its applications.
Services to the Lifting Industry / Lifetime Achievement Award
This is the highest individual honour bestowed by Lifting Africa, recognising a significant and outstanding contribution to the lifting industry. Potential winners are nominated from within the industry.​
How to enter
• All entries to the awards are free of charge.
• Read the description of the category you wish to enter carefully to ensure you are eligible to make an entry.
• All entries to be submitted online. Create an account on the Lifting Awards website, complete the verification process, and navigate to the "Enter" page for step-by-step entry instructions.
• Entries that do not comply with the category criteria will be marked down or rejected.
Entries open on 1 October 2024 at 08H00
Deadline for entries: 1 May 2025, 17H00

General rules
The Lifting Awards and all related materials are the exclusive property of Lifting Africa.
Winners are announced on the night of the awards. Nothing implied or suggested by Lifting Africa and/or its agents before the event may be taken as an indicator of a company or individual winning an award.
Lifting Africa reserves the right to bar an individual or company from the event.
The awards are judged by an independent panel of industry experts using a rigorous and robust judging process.
Finalists will be profiled in Lifting Africa, increasing their exposure to potential clients.
All entries must meet the required criteria and be accompanied by high-quality images of the product, service, or initiative in action. The images should be suitable for publication.
If appropriate images are not available, shortlisted companies must be willing to allow representatives from The Lifting Awards Committee to photograph, film, or otherwise record their product, service, or initiative.
The Lifting Awards Committee accepts no responsibility for submitted materials or entries (photographs, DVDs, etc.).
Lifting Africa reserves the right to add, change, or remove any necessary award category.
Lifting Africa also reserves the right not to present an award as it sees fit.
The Awards are open to any business which is part of the African lifting community.
Multiple entries are allowed across the awards where applicable (please read category descriptions).
The entry deadline is final. No entries started or submitted after this date will be considered for judging.
Sponsors may not enter the category that they are sponsoring.
All entries must be submitted on www.liftingawards.co.za
Any access passwords or details required as part of entry judging must be supplied in time for the close of call for entries.
We appreciate that some entry information will be sensitive; all business information submitted will be in strict confidence (NDA’s can be requested where appropriate).
The Judges’ decision is FINAL. No discussions on recounts or requests for justification will be entered into.
Nomination rules:
When nominating an individual or a company, their permission must be obtained. Contact details of a senior person at the organisation must be provided. We may or may not contact this person.
Where the nomination is for a product, service, initiative, or individual, it must have been launched within the 12 months preceding the nomination unless extenuating circumstances, such as the event's postponement, apply. “Launched” means available for purchase or placing a firm order.
The deadline for nominations is usually the last working day of the month, three months before the next awards event. For example, if the awards ceremony is held at the end of August, the closing date for nominations would be the last day of May of the same year.
Full nomination requirements are available from Lifting Africa’s office or at info@liftingawards.co.za or www.liftingawards.co.za